Hoodmand Humanitarian & Rehabilitation Organization

At our non-profit organization, we are not merely dreamers but catalysts of change. With unwavering dedication, we tirelessly champion the rights of women and children, ensuring they have access to education, healthcare, and the opportunity to thrive. Our mission is not just about providing temporary relief; it's about sparking a profound social transformation. By donating to us, you're not just giving money – you're investing in hope, empowerment, and the promise of a more equitable society. Join us in rewriting the narrative of Afghanistan, one empowered woman and child at a time. Together, let's build a tomorrow where every individual is valued, every dream is achievable, and every life is filled with opportunity. Your support today is the cornerstone of tomorrow's success.

Get to know us

Our mission

Hoodmand Humanitarian and Rehabilitation Organization (HHRO) mission is to catalyze transformative change across Afghanistan through a comprehensive and holistic approach that addresses the multifaceted challenges facing our nation. Grounded in our commitment to serving the most vulnerable and marginalized communities, our mission encompasses four key pillars: education, humanitarian assistance, agricultural development, and climate action.

Our vision

Our vision extends beyond the mere absence of conflict or hardship; it encompasses a future where equitable access to quality education, sustainable livelihoods, and essential humanitarian aid forms the cornerstone of societal advancement. We envision an Afghanistan where diversity is not only embraced but celebrated as a source of strength and enrichment, where the rights and dignity of every citizen are respected and upheld without exception.

A short story about Diretor

MR. Jalal Ahmad Aslami is a Civil Activist and the founder of HHRO (Hoodmand Humanitarian & Rehabilitation Organization). He also served as Social auditor with Organization for Social & Economic Development in Kandahar city. He holds a Bachelor degree in Engineering Science. Jalal has professional experience in Social Activities, Engagement, leadership and Management, Communications, and Leading.

Jalal’s achievements were recognized and awarded by White Assembly he was selected among 2000 youth of southern zone of Afghanistan for National Youth Conference (Peace, Tolerance, and Prosperity) which was held from 13th August to 14th August 2020. He also Received Award from outstanding efforts in youth engagement in election program at Afghanistan Youth Cultural & Arts Organization.

Mr. Jalal recently established the Hoodmand Humanitarian & Rehabilitation Organization (HHRO).

Languages: English, Pashto, Dari/Persian and Urdu.

Jalal Ahmad Aslami – Director of HHRO

Our partners 

How do we work?

Technology & Innovation
Partnering with Local Communities

Utilizing and adapting technologies familiar to the developed world, we can provide teachers, parents, and students with products and services to improve learning and decision-making.

By nurturing relationships with likeminded organizations and private individuals, we're able to unlock new sources of capital and scale up our work far beyond what traditional funding can do alone.

Shaped by decades of experience within Haiti's communities and with its educators, we affect change by bringing together real-world solutions, policy expertise, sustainable financing and collaborative partnerships.

Finance & Investing

To make a lasting impact, we know that we must actively engage and include the communities we are seeking to help. We are continually learning and growing in how we show up as an authentic, ethical partner.